Here are some of the secrets behind the science of attraction, and how to use them to make him fall for you (take them with a grain of salt!).
7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Make Him Fall for You
7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Make Him Fall for You

1. Use your body language

Usually, but not always, physical attraction is the instigator for a conversation, or that first introduction. It may not be love at first sight, but more likely attraction at first sight.

For example, we like the fit, healthy bodies of those Calvin Klein underwear models because, “attractiveness may [unconsciously] provide a clue to health and reproductive fitness,” Fanelli says.

The hottie’s abs and chiseled chest are essentially saying, “I’d give good genes to our babies.” Just what you wanted to know on your first date, right?

Other physical attraction cues may not be so obvious.

“When it comes to chemistry, there are certain people we are drawn to because of pheromones,” Fanelli says. “These may be triggers that signal ‘my DNA is different than your DNA’.”

The pheromones (our natural ‘scent’) aren’t conscious to us, but they may be a reason that initial attraction turns into wanting something more.

Before you even say a word to him, signal your interest with subtle, non-verbal clues using your body language.

How to make it work:

According to Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship, we naturally blink faster when we are emotionally excited. Bat those eyelashes to let him know you’re interested without saying a word. People also, “lean toward whatever – or whomever – they find most important at the time,” according to Love Signals. Use this trick and slightly lean towards him, whether it’s in your chair in class, or while standing at the bar.

2. Be a copy-cat

According to Fanelli, similarity to a person is another important factor in attraction. We like people who are similar to ourselves. It’s that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling you get when, the more you talk with someone, the more you find out you have in common.

“These matches may be conscious, for example two athletes, or people with similar extracurricular interests, or unconscious, like finding out you enjoy the same music,” Fanelli says.

If you’re meeting him for the first time, use the “chameleon effect” from Love Signals: mirroring movements and gestures shows you’re interested. In one study from The Journal of Nonhuman Behavior, researchers found that it’s not just mimicking of movements that indicate interest, but also timing. If he moves from slouching to sitting up straight, a few seconds later do the same.

How to make it work:

To use mimicking, take a sip of your drink when he does, copy the way his hands are resting on the table, or pick up on his words or phrases and repeat them later in the conversation. Remember the timing aspect as well: try to copy his movements sooner rather than later, or it won’t come across as “synchronized.” But don’t make it too obvious!

Similarity, in terms of personality, doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be mirror images of each other (in fact that might get a little boring). The important thing here is being open to each other’s interests. If he likes hockey, watch a game with him at least once or twice. If he’s a country music guy, and you can’t get enough hip-hop, well, at least you can both appreciate a strong love for music.

3. Keep him close by

You see him once, and think he’s cute. See him twice, and you smile at each other. See him a third time, and you’ll want to say hi. This is the basic idea behind the attraction theory of proximity.

“We like familiarity,” Fanelli says. “If you’re attracted to something, the more often you see it, the more attracted you’ll become.”

In one study of a 320-person dormitory, students evaluated their ‘liking’ of peers. The study found that students liked better those who were near them physically (closer on floors, or had rooms nearby). Dormcest ring a bell?

How to make it work:

Similarity may also play a role here. Wherever you meet him, the gym, the library, or class, if you both frequent the same spots, you’re likely to run into each other again. This also means, if you hit it off one night, make sure to let him know you want to hang out again, since, (now we know!) the more you see each other, the more likely you are to fall for him, and him for you! But, no, please don’t stalk him.

4. Spill the beans

Revealing things about who you are can help raise your attractiveness. It creates a closeness to that person, and lets him feel closer to you.

A study published by the American Sociological Association, found that “bestowing secrets upon a certain someone straightforwardly implies trust and a willingness to strike up a relationship,” and that withholding information about yourself “implies just the reverse.”

“Self-disclosure is really an important part of the process of intimacy,” Fanelli says. “This might be telling how many siblings you have, that you come from a small town, or that you like jazz music,” he says. “You have to learn to trust the person, before you can move to deeper levels of self disclosure.”

These deeper levels may be telling him your goals in life or what makes you who you are. But, “revealing too much too soon can also be a distancing move,” Fanelli says. Be careful not to scare him off by telling him your life story on day one.

How to make it work:

On the first meeting, tell him about yourself first. As Fanelli suggested, start by sharing the more basic things: your likes, dislikes, where you’re from. The casual, “what year are you? What’s your major?” lines always to the trick to get the ball rolling as well. Then let him do the same – the disclosure should always come from both sides! The more that you share, the closer he’ll feel to you and the more he will be willing to share. As the relationship continues, give each other the more serious, big-picture things.

5. Get his adrenaline pumping

If you want to make him fall for you, take him on a roller coaster. It may not be that simple, but Fanelli says adrenaline is sometimes misattributed to arousal.

“Excitement generates a level of attractiveness,” Fanelli says. “People who experience similar arousal find each other more attractive.”

Fanelli says you don’t need to go on a bungee-jumping date to make this happen though. “Any experience that generates excitement can be arousing.”

In one study, for example, males interacted with females on either a high-suspension bridge, or on level ground. They were more sexually aroused by the females on the bridge, indicating that they misattributed the feelings of physical arousal being on the high bridge, with attraction to the female.

“People who experience similar arousal find each other more attractive,” Fanelli explains.

How to make it work:

It could be as simple as a competitive board game, Fanelli says, or a pick-up game of basketball. “Watching a scary movie, could even be arousing and enhance levels of attraction,” he adds. Do things that are exciting. Take a run together, play Monopoly, or watch a thriller like Black Swan or Source Code.

6. Make him a cuddle fan

When you first fall for him, he’s usually all you can think about. Fanelli says this is part of the early ‘lust’ experience of attraction.

“It’s the release of dopamine and endorphins in your brain,” he says. “It’s a cocaine-kind of rush – part of a chemical reaction.”

This gives us almost an obsession with the other person, where you’re always thinking about them, and wishing to be with them. This chemical rush can’t last for long, though.

How to make it work:

“After about two months, other reactions take place,” Fanelli says. These are less lust-based, and more comfort-based. Cuddling is one way to keep the chemicals flowing, which Fanelli says, makes you feel warm in the closeness of that other person. The chemical oxytocin is released during cuddling which brings feelings of attraction. Pop in a movie and get your cuddle on!

7. Fanelli’s attraction formula: Find your own happiness

Fanelli says that ultimately, attraction comes down to the fact that interesting people are interesting to be with.

“Rather than spending your time trying to lure him in, remember that people who are comfortable with themselves are interesting because they’re doing things that make them happy,” he says, “and that’s very attractive.”

When you’re doing something that ‘turns you on’ (whether it’s playing music, or playing sports), “that is a turn on to other people,” Fanelli says.

Before you worry about attracting him, make sure you find yourself attractive. “Be yourself, and do things that make you happy,” Fanelli says.

Dr. Joe Fanelli, Love, Lust, and Relationships professor, Syracuse University
Some Evidence for Heightened Sexual Attraction Under Conditions of High Anxiety
Love Signals: A Practical Field Guide to the Body Language of Courtship
Proximity and Peership: Bases of Balance in Interpersonal Attraction
The Courtship Dance: Patterns of Nonverbal Synchronization in Opposite-Sex Encounters
Personalistic Self-Disclosure and Attraction: Basis for Relationship or Scare Resource
I don’t get easily creeped out when guys try to talk to me, but I do have a few rules and pro tips.
Don’t: Touch me.
Don’t: Brag or give off a “you’d be lucky if I let you come home with me” vibe.
Don’t: Try to talk to me if the place is too loud, it’s just annoying to try to yell into someone’s ear to have a conversation.
Don’t: Stare at me for ages from across the room before you try to talk to me.
Don’t: Make sexual comments or innuendo in conversation.
Don’t: Try to add me as a friend on Facebook while we’re talking.
Don’t: Use a pickup line.
Don’t: Be crass or rude.
Don’t: Just say hi and then expect me to start a conversation.
Don’t: Be afraid of rejection. If I don’t want to talk to you, it’s not the end of the world. Seriously. You’ll survive. When you stop fearing rejection, you’ll find it a million times easier to talk to girls without seeming creepy, because you’ll be a million times more confident. Trust me, the “I don’t give a fuck if you want to talk to me or not, I just felt like having a conversation with someone” vibe is attractive.
Instead …
Do: Smile. A genuine smile will go a long way.
Do: Compliment me on something unrelated to my body. For example, instead of saying “You have beautiful eyes,” you could tell me that the color green I’m wearing really complements my eyes. Or that you like my necklace or my boots. As a general rule, try complimenting a woman on something that she CHOOSES, like an outfit, rather than something she has little control over, like her body type.

Do: Use your body language. Eye contact is great, since it makes people feel like they can trust you more. Keep your body relaxed and pointed in her general direction. Don’t cross your arms or stick your hands in your pockets. Don’t fidget too much. Posture is important.
Do: Try to have a legitimate reason to talk to me. Some guys will ask for directions to somewhere, or ask me what I’m drinking because it looks delicious. Sometimes it works to ask if I know the band or if I come here often. Asking a legitimate question is a good ice breaker. Even something simple like, “Do you know where the men’s room is?” can work.
Do: Have something to talk about. Even if you’re a Socially Awkward Penguin, you can still read the news, read about upcoming community events, current events, popular conversation topics, and at least be well-versed enough in those things to be able to do the whole small-talk thing. Hell, even stories and anecdotes you read on Reddit can be used in small talk (you don’t have to bring up where you read something). If a girl says “My cat did the craziest thing the other day,” you can let her tell her story and then respond with “You know, I was reading something the other day about a guy whose cat did something kind of like that …” and relate the anecdote.
Do: Be comfortable. This means being comfortable in your own skin, being confident, and not succumbing to the myth that rejection will kill you. You are here to chat, get to know me a little bit, and see how things develop later. If I feel like your only motive is sex, you will seem creepy. If I feel like you’re interested in me as a person, you might not seem creepy.
Do: Treat me like a person. Lots of other girls have said this in this thread, but seriously. Talk to me like I’m a human being. Don’t put the pussy on a pedestal, man. I’m just a girl, probably out trying to have a good time or just going about my day like anyone else. I might not even be worth your time. Don’t hang all your hopes and dreams on me the instant your eyes meet mine. Yeah. Seriously. That’s not only creepy, it’s emo as fuck and needs to not happen.
Do: Laugh. And make me laugh. But please, for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, don’t tell jokes. Life is fun and funny, you don’t need to start a sentence with, “So three guys walk into a bar …” to get a girl to laugh. Instead, relate a story about something funny or ironic or crazy that happened to you or a buddy. If you can’t think of anything, you might have bigger problems than just not being able to talk to girls. You might, in fact, need to get a life.
Do: Be positive. Don’t tell me all about how much you hate your job or your boss or your ex or your roommate’s girlfriend or your parents. Tell me about what you LIKE, what you’re passionate about, what you’re interested in. And if you are only passionate about and interested in video games, sci fi, dungeons and dragons or advice animals, the above statement about getting a life is also applicable here.
Do: Look for common ground. She was raised in Michigan? Is it as cold in Michigan as where you grew up in Montana? She likes to travel? Has she ever been to the cool spots you traveled to on your vacation last year? She likes to cook? Is her eggplant parmesan as good as the one you made your mom for her birthday?
Do: Suit up. Okay, maybe not full suits all day every day. But if I see you dressed like a douche, or a wannabe, or that WoW-playing bum on South Park, I will assume that’s what you are and will have my guard up accordingly. You can tell me not to judge books by their covers all the time, but by coming up to talk to me, you’re probably judging me by my cover, so why shouldn’t I judge you by yours? First impressions DO mean something. Make yours a good one by taking care of your body and your clothing. You don’t have to be Barney about it, but you should at least know how to dress yourself. You’re a grown ass man, after all.
Do: Be awesome. No, seriously. If you’re worth getting to know, I’ll probably be able to tell.
Do: Ask for my phone number, not to be my Facebook friend. Girls are often worried about stalker-type behavior on Facebook, so go for an old-fashioned phone call or text instead.

This is one issue causing serious wahala in many young marriages today. Read her story below:

I don't enjoy s*x with my hubby because of many reasons which I cannot state here. Its really frustrating. I have tried to subtly give him clues so i wont hurt his feelings but he never learns and would release even before I finish removing my pant...

My elder sister bought a rabbit vibrator from the UK for me and its out of this world. I am a house wife and I now see myself looking forward to my husbands leaving in the morning so I can indulge, my problem now is that I cant seem to get enough. I cum like 2/3 tyms every day before he comes home from work. My orgasm always knocks me out and I tend to deeply sleep off immediately.

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My kids are home on mid term break and I had to chase them out of my room yesterday so I can indulge. I slept from 11am to almost 3pm and my kids were hungry. I was so ashamed of myself when I woke up and the thing was still in my veejay.

I feel as if my new rabbit is beginning to change me into something else. I rarely have strength to do any thing these days and my hubby is beginning to complain though I pretend to be sick to get him off my back.

I hid it inside one old long shoe but I am never comfortable. Whenever hubby goes to the wardrobe my heart jumps into my mouth.

I really am very confused about this thing. It has taken me to heaven yet has stolen my sanity and peace of mind. I have thought about throwing it away but I really don't know if I can cope without it.