3 Lies And 1 Truth About Why You're Really Still Single

3 Lies about still being single:

1. There are no good men/women left.over 107 million Americans aren't married. That's a lot of single people! I truly believe we see what we expect to see in life. Are there lying men and women out there, just trying to get into your pants or wallet? Absolutely. But there are also a whole bunch of nice alternatives that are looking for you. Believe it to see it.
2. You're too picky.Here's the thing about this one: I don't think anyone really chooses who they fall for. You can tell yourself that you need a guy who is six feet tall, devastatingly handsome and drives a Porsche all you want. Then one day, you find yourself head over heels for the 5'8" balding but oh-so-charming bartender at your favorite restaurant. 
Women make the mistake of sleeping with rich men that dodn't quite do it for them. There's nothing worse than knowing you've hurt someone you care about. Just don't do it. Chemistry is a wonderful and unpredictable thing, and you can't fight it or fake it. Regardless of what does or doesn't sound good on paper.
3. You haven't made it a priority.
Love is the one thing you can't "make a priority" and check off your to-do list. If it were, There is nothing you cannot accomplish if you set your mind to it. Overcome an eating disorder, check. Move to NYC, check. Get your first job in the Bank, check. , appear in TV? All within your control. But love -- love is not.
Notice I said love, not just get married or have kids. I have the audacity to want real love, great love. Or nothing at all. Which leads me to the real reason you're still single:
And finally...
The Truth about still being single:
A real connection is beyond rare. And if you know (or even just long for) what that feels like, it's impossible to settle for less.
Finding real love is hard enough without the voices within and without that make it worse. It happens when it's meant to happen. I actually think that maybe I just skipped my first marriage because I knew what I didn't want. There should really be an award or something for that. At least somewhere to register for presents. DrClarence